Hatha-Yoga after B.K.S. Iyengar
at relax & move
about us
We are Amberg's leading yoga center teaching classical Hatha yoga courses developed by the world-renowned B.K.S. Iyengar (14 December 1918 - 20 August 2014). Our center also offers countless wellness and therapy options available in our adjoining physical therapy praxis.
Our elegant yoga center has been thoughtfully designed with exquisite detail to enhance your yoga practice.
The floors and walls are made of oak and the lighting is filtered through Himalayan salt crystals providing a perfect environment for yoga.
In addition to our weekly courses, we offer the possibility to participate in an extensive selection of yoga seminars which range from beginner to teacher training in Germany and abroad.
Our highly-qualified yoga instructors are in continual advanced training and so all of our courses fulfill the requirements for partial reimbursement from the statutory health insurance system.
We use only high quality props which help facilitate learning and our facilities include changing rooms with lockers.
Guest Teacher
Iyengar Yoga workshop with Usha Devi (India) from 22.07.2022 - 24.07.2022
workshop with Usha Devi from India (in English language only)
We are very lucky that now is already the fifth time Usha Devi, one of the most knowledgeable Iyengar teachers comes to us from India.
Usha Devi has been living in India since 1985, serving at Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas in Rishikesh. In 1993, she began to study yoga with the world-famous Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar. She spends several months each year at the Iyengar Institute in Pune. In her teaching, Usha Devi is very precise.
Friday: 18.00 - 20.00
Saturday and Sunday: 9.00 - 11.00 and 14.00 - 16.00
The workshop with Usha Devi happens for all parts in the Iyengar Yoga Center Amberg. Marienstr. 8 / 92224 Amberg / Germany (www.iyengaryoga.de)
The price for all the workshop is 250 Euro. 20 Euro you have to pay to register and 230 Euro you will pay in Cash on arrival directly to Usha Devi.
language of the workshop:
You will find all the props you need in the venue of the workshop. This is including mats a thin and a thick mat, blankets, foam for Sarvangasana, blocks, bolster, strap and chair. If you need anything special besides those props you can ask us, if we can provide it for you.
Here you can register!
A list with recommended accommodations for the workshops is here!
Iyengar Yoga
Based on the teachings of yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar, Iyengar yoga is one of the most widely practided forms of yoga throughout the world. Iyengar was one of the most improtant pioneers in disseminating yoga to the Western world and made it accessible to those independent from their bidily and cognitive capabilities. His teaching methodology was progressive and methodical. Iyengar yoga teaches security, posture and self-awareness. Even after minimal practice one can begin to see its positive effects.
Certain asanas (postures) are specifically held so that the student can see its physical manifestations. The body, in turn, becomes strengthened and balance is restored. The development of strength, mobility and stability is gained through the asanas.
Iyengar Yoga uses props such as blocks, straps, chairs and much more as aids in performing the asanas correctly, minimizing the risk of injury or strain and making the postures accessible to both young and old.
Though the use of these helping aids the student can obtain a deeper practice in the asana. Mr. Iyengar revolutionized the art of yoga with the use of these props and laid the cornerstone for yoga's therapeutical effects. In the magazine, Fit For Fun (12/1994) Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt, a well-known Sport`s Medicine Practitioner, explains that "...not wanting to criticize the other schools of yoga, I would like to make a plea for Hatha-Yoga in the tradition of Iyengar: this method is anatomically precise and a radical body work."
course fees
Subsidies from the statutory health care system
Our courses fulfill the strict regulations mandated by the statutory health care system. Therefore, you are entitled to a reimbursement from your health care provider. With the purchase of a 10-class drop-in card and fulfillment of 10 lessons, you will receive a participation certificate that can be redeemed with your health care provider. For further specifications, please download our current price list or contact your health care provider.
Options for those without subsidies from the statutory health care system
In the event that you are privately insured or have used up your options with your health care provider, the following two options are available.
The most flexible payment option is the point card system. The point cards offer comfort, security and flexibility allowing the student to choose the number of classes they attend and share points with family members. In addition, the points are valid for a three year period.
The second and most cost effective method for regular course participation is through a six or twelve month membership. Monthly membership offers you the advantage of paying the lowest price for courses.
Please note that membership is the only possibility for children`s yoga courses.

Martin Zilbauer
Marienstraße 8
D-92224 Amberg
Telephone +49 9621 42327
E-Mail: info@relax-and-move.de
relax & move
Martin Zilbauer
Marienstraße 8
D-92224 Amberg
Telefon 0962142327
E-Mail: info@relax-and-move.de
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Registernummer HRB 3267
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Martin Zilbauer
Martin Zilbauer
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